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Lakeview School District

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Parental Rights

Special Education Change of Age Eligibility  

  1. PDE Policy Update 8.31.2023 Notes:  This document includes text from the slides shared (black font) and some notes (in blue/red font).  The content includes information on who is eligible to re-enroll, LEA implementation considerations, PDE/BSE implementation, reporting requirements, funding implications, and LEA Action Steps. Also, added links at the end to the PDE website that includes the updated policy, Penn Link, and family letter. 
  2. Age of Eligibility Policy Notification Letter:  This letter was referenced in the presentation and Dr. Clancy shared it was sent to eligible students by PDE.  Letters are expected to be delivered tomorrow or Saturday.  Letters were sent in English and Spanish.  The letter directs parents to contact the school the student would attend if opting to re-enroll.
  3. IDEA B Policy Revisions:  This policy document provides the updated policy language referenced in the presentation and notes attached.  See sections §§ 300.101—300.176.

       For additional assistance, contact the Bureau of Special Education at